The Kinsmen built the original adventure playground at Transfer Beach almost 25 years ago and it was starting to showing it’s effects. We raised enough money to have the new project rebuilt, the Grand Opening was at Ladysmith Days on August 2nd, 2015.
Thank you to everyone who donated!

Kinsmen Duck Paterson, project chair, stated,
“The cost of the new adventure playground, at Transfer Beach is over $150,000, plus new ground cover will be in excess of $20,000, so the Kinsmen are really hoping that we can get more of the community behind this project, and it is a community project. It’s bigger than one group can do.”
He went on to say that
“Transfer Beach is very important to not just Ladysmith residents, but to all families from the surrounding area, as shown by the very generous donation by the Stz’uminus community. Families from all over Vancouver Island come to Transfer Beach and we need to keep it a jewel… with the playground being a large part of that.”
Paterson continued,
“There has been ongoing efforts to maintain the playground but eventually, things wear out. It’s getting old and parts rust and rot and safety has to be seriously looked at. Twenty five years has been a pretty good run for an all wood structure considering the wet climate and location.”
“We will be doing more fundraising projects in the near future and with the Rotary as partners… we hope we can get more community groups as partners as well,” Paterson said…”the goal is next summer and the way the community works and the pride it has… we believe we can do it. It’s gonna take a lot of hard work… so the more hands the better!”