Category Archives: Events

Festival of Lights Kinsmen Parade Entry Form 2024

The Ladysmith Kinsmen Club, in conjunction with the Ladysmith Festival of Lights Committee, are accepting entries for this year’s Light Up parade on Thursday, November 28th.

There have been some changes for the parade and we hope that everyone will understand. We have had to limit the number of entries, for safety and logistical reasons, so we will review all entries and will be in touch with those entries. The only “theme” we have is all accepted entries must fit the time of the year and it MUST have festive lights on it. However, as there will be a Santa Parade later on in Ladysmith, we ask all groups to not use or have a Santa theme.

Download the fillable entry form and rules.

  1. Download PDF
  2. Fill it out
  3. Save the PDF to your computer
  4. Email it back as an attachment

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Parade Route

Line up on both sides of Methuen Street. Entries will be given a number and participants line up behind that number. Proceed along First Ave. to Bob Stuart Park and then empty floats will proceed across the highway to designated parking areas. There will be traffic control personnel to direct traffic at the end of the parade and their directions must be followed.


All applicants must include a description of the entry for the committee to review. It is a LIGHT UP parade. We DO NOT ALLOW THROWING OR HANDING OUT ANY ITEMS from any entries, and all entries MUST HAVE at least TWO ADULTS, on each side walking with their float for safety reasons. Participants MUST respect these rules. The Kinsmen parade organizers reserve the right to limit entries in the parade as well as the number of “pieces” with any entry. To make the entire evening run smoothly and on time, we are keeping the length of the parade to 40 entries. We hope everyone understands.

You can get in touch with Kin Jason Kelland at 250-618-7650 or Kin Al Moore at for more info. You can also download a parade
entry above and mail it back to us.

We hope that everyone can understand the need to make these changes and we thank all.

  1. All entrants MUST agree to follow the rules and directions from all the Kinsmen parade personnel, police and Traffic Control personal. The organizers reserve the right to limit entries and/or the number of “pieces” with an entry in.
  2. All entrants MUST stay within the 20 SECOND SPACE, between floats, that is allowed by the Traffic Controllers, at the start of the parade. There CAN NOT be any interruptions, demonstrations, displays or other actions that will cause any of the entries to stop or unnecessarily slow down during the parade.
  3. All entrants MUST stop at Bob Stuart Park (where instructed to) and NOT BEFORE and offload ALL riders from their floats. There will be one minute for this! Floats are not to be dismantled there! All floats, after unloading riders only, must cross the Is. highway and proceed to park where instructed by Traffic Personal on Rocky Creek Rd. There is NO STOPPING OR PARKING on Rocky Creek Road between Ludlow and Oyster Bay Drive. Traffic personal will instruct floats on where to park… there are NO exceptions.
  4. NO ENTRANTS, whether riding or walking, may throw, handout, or in any way distribute any items including brochures, coupons, candy, flowers, etc. while in the parade line up or along the parade route
  5. All entrants MUST have at least one adult walker on either side of their float to help keep the crowd back. If the entry is over 40’, then there must be at least two walkers on either side of the float.
  6. All entrants must have lots of festive decoration and lighting in the spirit of the evening. There are to be NO strictly commercial entries. It is a LIGHT UP parade and entries have to decorate accordingly.
  7. Please NO live Santa Claus characters allowed. Plastic characters, etc, can be used but no live Santa except on the Festival of Lights float.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience!

Visit the Festival of Lights »

Soap Box Derby 2024

The Ladysmith Kinsmen and the LDBA have partnered to bring you the Soapbox Derby once again! The event will be held during Ladysmith Days on Saturday, August 3rd @ 11am with driver registration stating at 10am. A helmet must be worn and some protective padding advised. The event will be held between Gatacre Street and the Library on First Avenue.

They are accepting applications in person from 10am or pre-application via

Race starts at 11am.

All kids between 6 and 12 years old can take part. There is no entry fee. They want all the kids who are interested in trying it out to have a chance. If the child has a helmet, they would appreciate them bringing it, but will have some available should they not have one.

Attached is the current sponsorship availability. They have 17 carts in total and lots of race course signs available for sponsorship. Only the Silver sponsorship package is available as a premium sponsorship package.

Platinum Sponsor:

Surtees Real Estate Group

Gold Sponsor:

Den's Auto Collision

Pit Sponsor:

Mactier Realty Group

Please see sponsorship letter for pre-registration information.

Download sponsorship (PDF)

Download waiver (PDF)

Kinsmen “Red Army” in Street Hockey

The Ladysmith Kinsmen participated, in strength, in the recent Guinness world record “Largest One Day Street Hockey Game” attempt on Sunday, June 4th in downtown Ladysmith.

Street Hockey
Complete with beer can pads!

Although dapperly-attired, the Kinsmen couldn’t make it past some heavy hitting in the semi-final game! Winning their first two games the members are proud of their stamina and perseverance in the face of great odds when the opposing team fielded a team of 7 players all over the age of 17!

The Kinsmen club was also one of the sponsoring organizations of the event and were really happy to see the main street lined with friends and families having fun and putting Ladysmith on the map.

(not pictured but played: Jason Kelland)

Eggs Benefit 3 Raises $2,900

On Sunday, June 14th, the Oceanview Community Church  once again hosted the Eggs Benefit 3 event. This year, all proceeds went towards the Transfer Beach Playground upgrade.

Peet Klopper (below right) from Oceanview Community Church presented Kinsmen Secretary Jason Kelland with a check for $2,900.  There were over 20 “celebrity” chefs cooking omelettes for donations to the playground.  There were over 400 omelettes made!

Jason and Oceanview Church
Jason Kelland and Peet Klopper

Eggs Benefit 3